Sunday, November 18, 2018

Welcome To The Happy Hot Tub Blog !

Welcome to the best of all Hot Tub blogs.

Our aim is to build a blog, which will give you Hot Tub news, chemical advice, repair tips and more.

The blog will be closely linked to our twitter page, as well as our Facebook, and this will enable us to keep communication with you at a maximum.

Our company, Hot Tub Care Ltd. have been working with hot tubs for 25 years, so there is nothing we don't know about hot tubs !

Hot Tub Not Heating ?

Whether you have a Balboa, Gecko or any other merk of control system, a spa, which is not heating can be diagnosed easily.

Step 1. Are there any errors ? Check the control pad of your spa to ensure it is set to whichever mode you prefer (usually STD, Standard, or ECN Economy), if a mode such as SLP is flashing on screen, the temperature will be kept at the lowest possible temperature before the spa freezes, therefore the heater will not appear to be working. Check for error messages such as LF or FLO, these are issues with the flow of spa water getting to the heater and this as a safety feature, most spas will cut off the heater, when insufficient water is flowing through it. To overcome flow issues, check your spa filters are clean and nothing is blocking the pipework within the filter housing. To overcome a flow issues, remove the spa filters, turn the hot tub off, then turn it back on again and run without filters, to diagnose the issue, if the spa runs fine without filters for 5 minutes, it is a dilema with your filters, if it doesn't.....

Step 2. If all the above steps are OK and the spa is still not heating, it could now be an issues either with the control board not getting power to the heater element (rare) or the heater element itself damaged by scale and not operating (more likely). The best way to test a heater element is using an electrical tester. Turn off and remove all power to the spa, then remove the heater, you can then test hot tub heating elements for integrity, use an ohm meter on its lowest setting. With the meter's test leads, measure the resistance between the two terminals. The acceptable resistance range for heaters used in most hot tubs is between 9 - 12 ohms (a few may be as high as 25 ohms, depending upon kilowatt rating).A reading which is too low indicates a bad unit: short circuit. A very high (or infinite) reading indicates a bad unit: open circuit or limited conductivity. You will see either a burnt out element or scale damage which is limiting the heaters capability.

Step 3. If, after checking for any control errors, and inspecting the heater element, the error is still not visible, it is more than likely that it is a control board issue. By removing the faceplate to the control board you will see the layout on the back, you can then check the power source to the heater and see if any issues are present on the board itself.

These steps are more than likely to diagnose heater issues on a portable hot tub.
For any other queries, questions or advice, Contact us on (+44) 0845 336 1122 or follow us on twitter/facebook. @HappyHotTubs.

Happy Hot Tubbin' !

Hot Tub Flow Problems

As mentioned in the last post, flow problems are one of the most  Most people panic when they see that a safety system such as  Hot Tub Flow Problems
common issues with portable spas. Most people panic when they see that a safety system such as "LF - Low Flow" is flashing on their spa touch pad screen, yet usually flow issues are easily resolvable.

The best way to understand flow is to, firstly, understand the flow cycle of spa water. The water which is heated by the spa, is firstly taken in through the filters then passed through
the heater element, which is then pumped back through the spa water jets. If the sensors on the spa heater are not getting sufficient water, it will send a signal through the control board to cut off the heater and present a safety message such as "LF" or "FLO", these are simple measures to prevent the heater burning out.

So, the main cause of flow problems in hot tubs is dirty, old, or clogged filter cartridges (As pictured, top right). As the water cannot pass through the filter cartridge quick enough to allow sufficient water in the heater, flow protection modes are initiated. So, firstly, ensure your filters are clean, use your garden hose to see how easily water can be passed through the filter media, if the media is over-clogged, new replacement filters may be required. After cleaning or replacing your filters, turn the spa off and on again, running it with NO filters for a maximum of 5 minutes, this will allow the flow protection mode to be cleared and identify the filters as the issue. Then simply place your filters back in the spa and all should be back to normal.

In some cases, customers have experienced flow problems even with squeaky clean or merk new filters. This has been put down to sensor issues. In extreme cases, scale has actually layered the sensors, preventing an accurate reading and enforcing them to signal flow error messages. This kasus is easily resolved by removing the heater, cleaning it thoroughly and ensuring PH levels are correct in the future, as well as using "No Scale" to break up any other existing scale in spa water.

In very rare cases, the control system has been the result of flow issues, with a faulty PCB board incorrectly reading signals from the sensors and being unable to clear any error messages, such as "Low Flow". This however is rare and any flow issues are usually simple to address and resolve. If a spa repair company simply claims, within 5 minutes, that a PCB board is the result of flow issues, you can ensure they have not checked thoroughly enough.

At Hot Tub Care Ltd. we receive calls from customers regarding flow problems on a regular basis. Our two-step policy is Step 1, tell the customer to check/test their filters and any potential blockages in the filter housing (e.g. leaves). If this has no luck. Step 2, organise an engineer to come and resolve the problem. We NEVER book an engineer at a customers' cost for flow problems before we can confirm it is nothing simple.

If you are still experiencing flow-problems after "Step 1". Feel free to contact us on
0845 366 1122. or Visit our website

Happy Hot Tubbing !

Chlorine Vs. Bromine

The two most popular hot tub sainitisers (disinfectants) are chlorine and bromine, with chlorine being the most popular. But with many people judging chlorine as harsh, bromine, with its "softer" touch on the skin, meets the demands of spa uses that disapprove of chlorine.

Chlorine is by far the most popular sanitiser among hot tub and pool users worldwide. Chlorine was historically unrivaled until the growing popularity of bromine in the 1980's, due its fast-acting effectiveness in disinfecting spas and pools. It also has the added benefit of being cheaper Per KG than bromine, suiting smaller budgets. However despite effectiveness in sanitation and cost, chlorine has been labelled by many as "harsh" on the skin, eyes and lungs. This mainly comes down to association with "eye sting" and that sharp smell at public pools. The reason for this is the chlorine when it combines with organic compounds in spa water, so, in more simple terms, the dirtier the pool or spa, the more the chlorine will smell, hence the odour at public pools.

Bromine first became popular with pool and spa users in the 1980's, as scientists saw it as a more effective water disinfectant. The clear benefit was that, when bromine combined with organic compounds, the bromamines, unlike chlorine, helped to continually sanitise the water rather than cause odour. Many see bromine as "softer on the skin", but in my personal opinion, i believe this is more down to a distaste to chlorine, rather than bromine actually being less harsh. However, like all developments, issues with this bromine became clearer over time. At first, bromine was so stable, that chlorine had to be added to it, to speed up its sanitation of water. Even though developments have speeded up bromine sanitation, it cannot keep up with the Usain Bolt of chemicals, which is chlorine. Some strains of algae, such as black fungi, have been resistant to bromine, but affected by chlorine, limiting the effectiveness of bromine further.

In my opinion, chlorine is the safest and most effective hot tub sanitiser. But with bromine constantly being adapted and becoming increasingly effective, Its inevitable that the contest will go on. With more recent "non-chlorine" systems also being developed, such as AquaGarde, new competitors will join the race to be the top disinfectant.

Happy Hot Tubbing !

Hot Tub Pump Humming ?

Its another issue we come across on a regular basis with spas. The first issue is a spa pump that hums and sounds like its working, but without any water actually coming through the water jets. The other issue is a pump "hum" becoming increasingly loud and to the point where it can be heard by neighbours.

The first issue, where a pump can be heard but not felt through the jets, is caused by an air lock in the hot tub. This usually comes about after a drain & re-fill, which allows little air pockets to emerge in the pipework. These air pockets then prevent the pump from pushing water through and can cause it to burn out. One method to clear the air is to turn the pump on and off repeatedly, slowly pressuring the air out through the jets, whilst this method is effective sometimes, it can also harm the motor, so we recommend not continually doing this if it didn't work the first few times. The second method to clear the air pockets, is to release air, either on a pump air release valve or by simply unscrewing the pump union until all the air is out and water starts to come out. These methods will clear airlocks and you will see air bubbles coming out of the water jets as it is pushed out.

The second issue, an increasing pump humming noise over time is less easy to diagnose and resolve, but some common issues have been found. The increasing loudness of a spa pump usually develops over a period of time, as the spa has settled in its position, the vibration of the pump motor gradually moves and loosens certain parts of the spa. The best way to diagnose a vibration issue is to remove all panels and listen carefully to the noise source, usually it can be certain screws, bolts or seals, which have slowly loosened over the hot tubs lifetime. Most spas have vibration pads underneath each pump to help reduce this at first, but again, these can become loose to the pump and be causing the base to vibrate. The best way to resolve this issue is to feel for vibration and tighten any screws or bolts, which you can see are moving. This humming noise can sometimes be due to an ineffective spa pump motor which is damaged, so ensure the condition of the pump is OK.

Happy Hot Tubbing !

Waterlogged Hot Tub Covers

Its the most vulnerable part of your hot tub and most long-term spa users will know that it can be one of the first things to be damaged after warranty expiration. Despite steel reinforcement and double layered protection over the foam inserts, most spa covers start to feel waterlogged or the foam physically damaged after about two to three years of ownership.

So we all know that its not worth having a hot tub if you cannot enjoy it, but if you take care of your spa cover from the offset, you can ensure it will not become damaged and should last much longer. The first thing to ensure is that you have an easy method of removing the cover for spa use, without it being dragged along the floor. The best method to stop this is a cover lifter arm, which attaches the hot tub and lifts the cover back to be stored on one side of the spa, this prevents the cover ever touching the ground and also adds to ease of removal.

The other issue with spa covers is damage through the foam protection polythene, which is used to prevent moisture entering the high-density foam. Once a split in the polythene has occurred, moisture begins to get into the foam and this is the reason for a heavy-waterlogged cover. This can also occur through broken zips on the seam, which are a tight fit. We recommend to never remove the foam inserts, as zip problems can mean your spa cover becomes faulty.

Another common issue with hot tub covers is where lock-down storm straps pull off in heavy wind. This is caused by stitching weakening gradually over the spas lifetime due to exposure to the elements. Even though lock-down straps are sold as heavy duty wind prevention, these should not be relied upon and we recommend placing something heavy like a garden chair upon the hot tub cover to preventing it blowing off, rather than relying on weak lock-down straps that could easily rip off once the cover catches the win.

And our last tip is....replace your spa cover before it becomes a huge hassle. Not only does a broken or waterlogged cover result in the loss of spa heat, it can also become so heavy that its removal becomes a draining and long-winded process. The best way to dispose of an old spa cover is to use a Stanley knife to cut the cover up and the take it to your local recycling center.

Remember.....replace your cover NOW ! Whilst you still can !

Happy Hot Tubbing !

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Special offer, if our Facebook page reaches 50 likes by the end of the week, all members of the page will receive 15% off chemicals & accessories from us ! Join In !

Happy Hot Tubbing !

Hot Tub Moving

Moving house is a time when you may gather the possessions you want to move onto your new  Hot Tub MovingMoving house is a time when you may gather the possessions you want to move onto your new property and cull any that are not needed or wanted. But where in this process does your outdoor spa fit in ?

Some people decide to leave their garden hot tub at their old property, in order to add value and encourage a sale. This is common, as the hot tub value can extend the likeliness of a sale in the same way that a swimming pool would. It can also be used for bargaining power, informing the buyer that you want to take the hot tub, but then changing your mind and convincing the buyer to purchase, with the hot tub thrown in.

Others decide that their hot tub must travel with them to a new property. This is an increasingly popular decision, with hot tub moving services, such as ours, becoming cheaper and more convenient. If you search "moving hot tub" on YouTube, you will begin to realise that some people choosing to move their hot tub themselves are met with lots of problems and struggle intensively.....But there is a solution.....

Our hot tub moving service was one of the first in the UK, and with our experienced engineers who have moved thousands of tubs and the increasingly sophisticated equipment available to us, moving a hot tub has never been simpler. Why struggle ? when we can move your hot tub with ease, speed and at a convenient low price.

For a quote, contact us on the Hot Tub Helpline - 0845 366 1122 or you can e-mail us on

For pictures showing exemplar deliveries & hot tub moves see the pictures on our Facebook page -

The Success Of The Swim Spa

Its the perfect combination, that has been seen in commercial pool areas for many years, yet, now it is portable, competitive on price and sales are on the up ! Its the portable Swim Spa, the concept of a resistance swim jet and hot tub combined, to offer the connection between fitness and recovery that all can enjoy.

Most spa manufacturers now offer a variety of different Swim Spa models, with others simply offering one model to backup their hot tub range. Some models contain dual controls & heating, with a swim end and hot tub end separated, others are single controls and simply contain seats at the rear end of the swim spa to relax after a swim against the resistance jet. But its the dual-purpose that seems to attract customers so much, without spending £20,000-£50,000 on a pool and a separate £4,000-£9,000 on a hot tub, the customer can purchase a swim spa at prices ranging from £12,000 to £20,000, getting the 'Best of Both Worlds' in terms of leisure, relaxation and fitness.

With technology continually advancing the leisure industry, the Swim Spa has seen recent additions such as stereo systems, rowing equipment, resistance equipment and improved efficiency of swim jet control. These advancements have turned the basic portable hot tub into more of a portable leisure center ! You can improve your fitness in one end, then use the hot tub as a recovery method to relax post-workout.

At Hot Tub Care, we have seen sales of our Astro Swim Spa & Swimmer rapidly increase over the last 2-3 years, with customers torn between a pool or a spa seeing the Swim Spa as an ideal aid to their decision. To see more on our Astro Swim Spa & Swimmer see this link ( or to see images of a Swim Spa delivery on our Facebook page, see this link (

Hot Tub Headrest Problems

Damaged hot tub pillows, Its probably the biggest warranty issue for
hot tub manufacturers and  Its probably the biggest warranty issue for Hot Tub Headrest Problemsthe most bugging thing for hot tub owners.

The truth is, its inevitable that a soft, rubber/vinyl item, in a warm, damp & chlorinated environment will eventually deplete. The main duduk kasus being the chlorination of hot tub water in affecting the condition of the spa pillows. As you may know, Chlorine attacks everything, whether its skin, lungs, eyes or even rusting metals. So, when a soft vinyl spa headrest is enclosed in a chlorinated environment, the laminate on the pillows breaks up and eventually the internal rubber will start to flake off. So what can you do ?
Well, we sometimes recommend removing headrests from the hot tub when it is not in use, this obviously removes them from the damp, chlorinated environment, prolonging their life. The one issue that arises from constantly removing headrests is the lugs on the back ripping off upon removal, this means the pillow cannot be secured properly, so if removing headrests, you must be careful and ensure the lugs do not rip. If this is too much of a hassle then we try to reinforce the idea of leaving the spa cover off for 10-15 minutes after chlorination, this gives time for the nasty chlorine gases to disperse in the air, not directly onto the hot tub cover or headrests.

So, your hot tub pillows are totally unusable and are flaking into the water, what now ? Well, you really need to remove them totally, or purchase new ones. Headrests have always been a high-cost spare on hot tubs, due to their specialist moulds and variation, meaning manufacturers can charge astronomical prices. So, it would be sensible to look after the pillows whilst they are still usable, saving money in the long-term.

We are happy to help over the phone (Tel:0845 366 1122) or e-mail us with any questions about headrest care ( We stock a variety of headrests, from Master Spa to Spaform, so if you require a quote, e-mail us a picture and we will get back to you with a price.

Happy Hot Tubbing !

How To Drain A Hot Tub ?

It is recommended that you empty your hot tub roughly every  How to Drain a Hot Tub ?It is recommended that you empty your hot tub roughly every 3 months, as the sanitisation of water can only go so far before chemicals do not affect the quality of water. So, this leads onto the question of, how do i drain my hot tub ?

Well, the first and most simple way would be using a built-in gravity drain, usually situated on the outside of the hot tub, either coming out of the base or panel. These are available on certain models, but not others, so ensure you check with your retailer to see if you have one built in. These drains usually work very simply, by either pulling out the drain to activate it, pressing the centre of the external adapter or simply turning a handle to allow water flow. The hot tub will then drain using gravity, this can be slow in some models, yet is increasingly efficient with newer models, draining hot tubs in less than 10 minutes. The main issue with these drains is their vulnerability to breakage and leaking, simply due to them being external and under high pressure from water. Once the hot tub is fully drained, ensure your drain is left open to prevent the pipes cracking due to freezing in winter.

If your hot tub does not contain a drain, don't worry, some hot tubs do not have drains due to the issues mentioned above, but there are still two simple ways to empty your hot tub.

Firstly, you can empty your hot tub using the traditional method of siphoning, using an existing hose pipe to slowly drain the hot tub. This is the more cost effective way, by using a hose pipe, one end in the hot tub, the other in the area you want to drain the water to, you then must get a flow of water going, by either sucking on the hose pipe or lifting up the hot tub end of the hose pipe and quickly placing back into the spa. Once the flow is going, you can leave the hose to drain the hot tub in its own time.

If you need the hot tub emptied faster than it would by siphoning, you will need to invest in a submersible pump (Image-Top Right). This is a water pump, with a floating cut-off switch, used to drain hot tubs in minutes. Simply plug in, place in the hot tub and wait for it to finish. The pump uses a lay flat hose to drain the water out, so you can customise the hose length to your requirements. To see the submersible pumps available from us see our website- ( or call us on (UK-0845 366 1122).

Happy Hot Tubbing.
Eddie. HHT.

Hot Tub Myths...

Chlorine causes my eyes to sting in the hot tub Hot Tub Myths...Chlorine causes my eyes to sting in the hot tub...
MYTH - Chlorine does not cause your eyes to sting in a hot tub or swimming pool. An incorrect PH level can contribute towards over-acidic or alkali water stinging your eyes. Another contributor towards eye sting is bacteria from other people, which is not being killed by chlorine, this suggests a low chlorine level and poor sanitisation rather than chlorine itself causing eyes to sting. Evidence of this is at public swimming pools, where eye sting is usually most severe due to the number of bathers using the pool compared and an inability to chlorinate sufficiently with so many users.

Hot Tubs are best in summer...
MYTH - Whilst it is a matter of opinion whether hot tubs are best in summer or winter, a general consensus within the hot tub industry suggests you cannot beat hot tubbing in the snow, wind or rain. The popularity of hot tubs in Northern Europe & Scandinavia reinforces the popularity of bathing in arctic conditions, whats better than relaxing in a hot tub at 40 degrees, whilst the snow falls around you. The winter/summer debate lives on!

The More Jets, the Better...
MYTH - Its the top sales feature of most hot tubs, the amount of jets, yet usually this does not affect the quality of massage. When a salesmen hits you with jet figures of 100-150, your initial reaction is "wow", but when you realise that the same amount of pumps power an 100 jet hot tub as a 40 jet spa, you should realise that power in a spa with a large amount of jets is simply spread more and power is less in each jet. Also, remember the saying..."Quality, not Quantity", well this is key, our Astro Spas are produced to give your muscles a precision massage rather than a weaker, less directed massage, which simply wastes pump power.

I need to run plumbing lines to my backyard hot tub...
MYTH - In all portable spas, the equipment & plumbing is built into the cabinet and shell, meaning you simply have to fill the hot tub using your hose pipe and no external plumbing is required. For draining, you can simply use a built in gravity drain (if your spa has one) or use a submersible pump to drain the water.

I need to empty my hot tub after each use...
MYTH - All portable hot tubs have built in flow-thru filtration systems to ensure the water is constantly filtered and by adding chemicals, you will not need to empty your hot tub regularly, just like a swimming pool. However, we do recommend emptying your hot tub about once every three months, as the water becomes over-saturdated with chemicals.

I need to turn my hot tub off after use...
MYTH - Although this is possible, it is a common myth that hot tubs should be turned off every time after use, as the filtration cycles keep the water fresh and in order to maintain temperature to save costs, the flow-thru heater must be on. Most hot tubs have various modes, such as Economy, to save energy.

Myths....Busted !


The Costs Of Running A Hot Tub

It's a key influence in the decision to purchase a hot tub, this influence is the cost of running a hot tub.

Firstly, we need to look at the specific costs of running a spa.....

Water -
A good place to start considering hot tubs wouldn't exist without its presence. With most houses in the UK expected to have water meters fitted within the near future, the days of relaxed water usage are over. With hot tubs averaging a water capacity of 1000 litres, the filling and re-filling of spas can be expensive, especially as draining is recommended every 3 months. However, water costs, in comparison to chemical and electricity costs are relatively low.

Electricity -
With an average hot tub running two pumps and a 3kw heater, clearly electricity is the main cost in the running of a spa. Most hot tubs have two, two hour filter cycles every day and this is separate to the running of the pump when the spa is heating. The main electrical requirement is the 3kw heater, however once the hot tub has reached temperature, this cuts out, therefore, the most expensive time on a hot tub, is the re-fill period, where the temperature rises for a period between 15 & 20 hours. The most effective way to save on this cost is to ensure your spa cover is in top condition and not waterlogged, as this can lead to heat loss, which requires the heater to kick in.

Chemicals -
This cost has significantly decreased in the last 10 years, as chemical prices have dipped. However, it is still key to consider the costs of maintenance products. This cost really depends on what the hot tub is maintained with, is it chlorine, bromine or a chemical-free system such as Aquagarde. Chlorine is the cheapest sanitiser to run your spa on, and a 5kg tub of granules can last 2 years if used correctly, this is the main chemical needed to ensure water safety. Bromine is the second cheapest, but significantly more than chlorine due to less popularity and its softer touch on the skin. Chlorine-free systems such as Aquagarde & Aquafinesse are significantly more expensive compared to the standard sanitisers of bromine and chlorine, simply because the technology contained in them is unique. Other water chemicals, which assist the standard sanitisers are not strictly required but products such as No Foam can make maintenance easier. Generally, chemical costs are less when you shop around and do not get fooled into the "unofficial chemicals will invalidate warranty" scam. This scam is so easy to be fooled into as a new hot tub owner, but it has no ground to be based on, most chemicals come from the same factory in South Africa, this factory simply re-labels the products to the appropriate brand.

Go HotSpring Spas, Go Highlife!..

The HotSpring Highlife collection contains the SilentFlo circulation pump that draws the same as a 40 watt  lightbulb! With full FiberCor insulation and a top quality spa cover, Hot Spring Spas are the most efficient hot tub on the market.!

Happy Hot Tubbing !

Hot Tub Energy Saving Tips

 the heating of water up to a set temperature and maintaining this temperature with a flow Hot Tub Energy Saving TipsHot tubs have a key thing in common, the heating of water up to a set temperature and maintaining this temperature with a flow-through heater. A spa heater consumes the most electricity of all the items on a hot tub, and is comparable to a kettle in electricity consumption. Therefore, in order to keep costs down, we must focus on conserving as much heat as possible.

Hot Tub Covers
We repeat this time and time again, a good condition hot tub cover is vital to conserve maximum heat and any slight damage can reduce energy conservation massively. Insulation foam that has snapped can cause a huge loss of heat as the sealed unit of insulation has been broken, to prevent this it is recommended that a hot tub cover lifter is used and it is important to ensure no individuals (specifically children) treat the hot tub cover as a bed! Torn vinyl can also lead to a loss of vital heat, as once again, the sealed unit of the hot tub cover has been perforated. The two above problems cause the biggest issue with hot tub covers, water-logging, see our previous post on this persoalan (Click Here). A damaged/waterlogged hot tub cover results in no R-value of the hot tub cover, so to conserve pounds, a new hot tub cover is recommended, See the cover section of our website to order a a high quality replacement (Click Here).

Simple, yet very effective. The panels of a hot tub do not lose as much heat as a damaged hot tub cover however, if the hot tub is in an open area and at constant battle with the elements, windbreaks can help conserve some heat and energy. Specific hot tub gazebos help conserve heat effectively but a simple fence can also do this just as effectively without the high cost.

Hot Tub Control Settings
We get regular calls from customers asking why their hot tub hasn't heater, when we find out that is has simple been put onto an Economy mode without intention. Although this is a regular mistake, users are finding that this can actually become helpful in conserving energy and saving money. In economy mode you can jadwal the hot tub to heat for a certain time, and when the hot tub is not heating for a specific time, it is held at a lower temperature like 21 degree Celsius. Instead of holding the temperature at between 38deg-40deg in standard mode, the lower temperature will help conserve energy.

Air Jets, LED Lights & Air Blowers
All those listed above are great accessories for your hot tub are spa, whether its wowing friends with your LED lights, adding power to jets with air or cooling off with the air blower, these features make your hot tub special. The persoalan comes when features are left on whilst the hot tub is not in use. LED lights consume unnecessary electricity when left on and by simply turning them off you can save £'s! Air jets allow a slight air intake into the water system, this obviously cools the water, lowering the water temperature over time, all you need to do is ensure that you turn the air jet controllers off when the hot tub is not in use to prevent this cooling from happening. This is the same with air blowers, they cool the water quite rapidly if on unnecessarily, so ensuring the blower is off and not used unnecessarily can also help save energy.

Cartridge Filters
Clogged or worn out filters can reduce circulation to such an extent that pumps can be damaged by dry running. Heater element efficiency is also reduced as water flow is affected on such a scale. Luckily most systems, such as Balboa control systems have "DR" and "LF" warnings to prevent heaters from burning out if water is reduced to such an extent. However the fact is you must ensure that filters are regularly checked, cleaned and if necessary, replaced, and by doing this strain on the pumps and heater will be reduced, making your hot tub much more efficient. For information on our high quality Pleatco filters......Click Here. To see our full range of stocked filters....Click Here.

Floating Thermal Blankets
When these products were simply transferred from the pool cover market into the hot tub industry, people asked...Why did we not sell these before? And rightly so, by placing a thermal blanket on the surface of your hot tub water, you can make a high return for such little investment. Not only does the cover prevent steam from leaving the hot tub surface, saving you money, it also increases your spa cover life by preventing chlorinated moisture from attacking your hot tub cover underside. A highly recommended investment. To see the thermal blankets we offer..Click Here

I hope this post will help save you money whilst being able to fully enjoy your hot tub!

For any questions or information e-mail (
Follow us on Twitter @HappyHotTubs (Here)
Like us on Facebook (Here).

Some of this content was based on ideas from (link -

Sponsorship 2011/2012 - Billy Sharp (Southampton Fc)

Another successful year for Southampton Football Club saw them promoted to the premier league with a second consecutive promotion. 

As a Saints supporting company, we were delighted to be the official player sponsor of Billy Sharp for the 2011/2012 season. Having joined from Doncaster in the January transfer window, Billy scored an extremely helpful 9 goals in 11 league appearances. With two vital goals against 'that lot down the road' being key in ensuring bragging rights were temporarily shared until they were relegated and the saints were promoted to the premier league!

On the evening of Friday 4th May 2012, we attended the Player Awards Dinner at St. Mary's, sitting with Billy for the event and meeting the rest of the squad. This was an excellent occasion and we would like to wish Billy and Southampton Football Club all the best in the top flight. Come on you reds!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hot Tub Filter Cleaning

Most hot tub owners should already know the importance of cleaning their spa filters regularly and thoroughly, however we feel this point needs reinforcing to spa owners across the country. We regularly get calls from new and experienced hot tub owners who are experiencing such messages as "LF", "FLO" and "SNS". These problems are all related to flow issues that are 95% of the time caused by dirty filters.

Some companies are poor at after-sales service, with some even sub-contracting their own servicing and repairs to other companies. This results in customers being misinformed of the key processes involved in owning a hot tub, one of which is the cleaning of cartridge filters. The "grab and run" sales technique is damaging to the lifespan of many hot tubs, as proper maintenance techniques are not suggested. Although filter cleaning may be as simple as soaking the filters once every two weeks, we feel better routines are needed to ensure your hot tub stays in good condition for years to come. Below we have outlined a few cleaning routines/techniques for differing lifestyles.

Routine 1 - The Very Busy Person - Little Time - Low to Medium Hot Tub Usage.

  • This routine is simple, quick and effective but suits those who have a busy life schedule. 
  • 1 DAY AFTER FILLING THE HOT TUB - Rinse Filters with hose.
  • EVERY MONTH (DURING WATER CHANGE) - Soak Filters in filter cleaner.
Routine 2 - The Busy Person - Average Spare Time - Medium Hot Tub Usage.
  • This routine is more thorough than the routine suggested above, but less so than the ideal routine below.
  • 1 DAY AFTER FILLING THE HOT TUB - Rinse Filters with hose.
  • FORTNIGHTLY - Rinse Filters with hose.
  • EVERY MONTH - Soak Filters in filter cleaner.
Routine 3 - The Less-Busy Person - Lots of Spare Time - High Hot Tub Usage.
  • This routine is the recommended routine for those that have time to clean their filters more thoroughly.
  • 1 DAY AFTER FILLING THE HOT TUB - Rinse Filters with hose.
  • WEEKLY - Rinse Filters with hose.
  • FORTNIGHTLY - Swap Filters with clean ones, then soak the dirty filters, allow to dry and place back in within a fortnight.
These routines are not strictly realistic but they give you an idea of how to organise the maintenance of your hot tub around your lifestyle. You may be wondering why we recommend that your filters are rinsed within one day of filling up your spa? Well this is because tap water is dirty, so by rinsing one day after filling up you can remove any debris or impurities that were in the tap water. The best technique is that suggested in Routine 3. This involves having two or more sets of filters, constantly swapping them and ensuring that they are dry when placing back into the hot tub to add to filtering efficiency.Obviously those of you who love a hot tub party will need to clean them thoroughly after such an event and these routines do not consider such high usage events.

If you have any questions in regards to filter cleaning, e-mail me on

Eddie, HHT.

How To Measure A Hot Tub Cover

How to measure the radius of a hot tub cover How to Measure a Hot Tub Cover

Image: How to measure a spa cover radius.

Measuring a Hot Tub Cover

When ordering a new hot tub cover, it is important to get a correctly fitted cover to ensure no heat is lost. This not only ensures that your hot tub stays at the set temperature but will save you lots of money. Below is a guide on how to measure your cover correctly.

Measuring Your Hot Tub Size

If you are happy with the fit of your existing cover, by all means measure your existing cover but remember this will probably have expanded over time by soaking up water.
When measuring your spa, always remember to measure from one lip to the other. The lip may be the edge of the acrylic or the wooden cabinet depending on your model. It is recommended to add around 0.5’’-1’’ to both the length and width to allow for easy removal, as too tight a fit will make it difficult to remove the cover.

Cover Skirt Measurement

The skirt that overhangs your acrylic or cabinet is important to prevent heat loss around the edges. The length of your existing cover skirt is usually recommended or a skirt of around 4’’ is normal. If you have a wooden ledge around the acrylic, too long a skirt could lead to problems with the cover fit, ensure that this is considered when measuring the cover.

Measuring the Radius of your Hot Tub Cover

The what? The radius! Commonly frustrating for most hot tub owners when they first order a new cover. Getting this right is again vital to prevent heat loss through the corner of the cover.

The easiest way to measure is using a carpenter’s square, however you can easily make of one of these using strong cardboard. The radius length is from the start of the bend to the imaginary point of the corner if the cover was square. The smaller the radius, the more square the corner of the hot tub cover.

And as it is so confusing, see our helpful image above for more details!

How to Measure Certain Shaped Covers

Easy. Measure one length, you won’t have a radius and will only need a skirt length to complete your order. Be careful, most hot tub covers are not totally square and without a radius, double check to prevent errors.

Measure both lengths and specify which length needs to be the folding length. By default, we will assume that the cover folds along the long side.

Square with radius
Follow the instructions of a square cover and measure the radius.

Rectangle with radius
Follow the instructions of a square cover and measure the radius.

Measure the diameter of the hot tub cover and this will be sufficient.

Measure the length and also measure the length of each section on the octagon.

Top Tips
  • Remember you can make your own carpenters square using a ruler, cardboard and scissors!
  • Specify your hot tub model and make when ordering your cover. We have over 1000 models in our file and can compare with previous orders to ensure your measurements are totally accurate.
  • Remember that your old and worn cover will not be totally accurate to fit your hot tub. Measure your hot tub and your existing cover and compare the difference, draw conclusions from both.
  • Many people send us length and width measurements that are 1 inch out, these hot tubs are most probably square but the cover wear has led to a slight change in size, assume the cover is square if the measurements are this close.
  • When measuring a cover size, bigger is generally better, but this is your responsibility.
  • When measuring a corner, smaller is better. Round down if needed.
Order your replacement hot tub cover today here -

If you have any other queries about measuring and ordering a new hot tub cover, call the Hot Tub Helpline on 02380 812769 or e-mail us on

Purchasing A Used Hot Tub

Buying a used hot tub is a great way to enjoy a spa without the cost of a new model. This option is also good for the environment as many hot tubs that are scrapped simply need a small amount of work to get going again. The demam isu of buying used hot tubs has rocketed in recent years, mainly as a result of consumers having less money and sites such as Ebay offering great deals on luxury spas. As experts in the industry, we would like to offer some useful advice to those seeking to purchase a used hot tub. This advice will cover potential problems with second-hand hot tubs and the issues you will face when collecting or moving such spas.

What to look for...

The list below contains the variables to consider when purchasing a used hot tub, the further information explains why these variables are so important to consider. We are not suggesting you don't buy a hot tub that has such issues but simply highlighting what to look out for.

  • Age.
  • Cabinet Condition.
  • Shell Condition.
  • Pumps/Blowers.
  • Control System.
  • Headrests.
  • Filters.
  • Cover Condition.
An old hot tub is not necessarily a bad hot tub. We have seen many hot tubs that have been looked after well or kept inside for many years and are in perfect condition. The issue with age is the availability of spare parts and support for certain errors. With many hot tub manufacturers going bust and others moving production to China, parts will slowly become less available for older spas. Note this when purchasing an old hot tub and be prepared for high costs if changing electrics or plumbing to fit different parts.

Cabinet Condition
The hot tub cabinet is important for aesthetics within your garden. Hot Tub cabinets can be wooden or polymer and both these materials can lead to varying issues. Wooden cabinets are structurally strong when kept in good condition but it is very common for these to rot in the damp conditions of most gardens. A rotten cabinet can make moving the hot tub impossible as sections of the cabinet fall away when trying to manoeuvre the spa out of the garden. If you do manage to get a rotten hot tub onto a truck or trailer, it will need to be secured well to ensure that it holds together during the journey. Polymer cabinets do not rot in the same way as wooden cabinets but become brittle over time and this makes them very difficult to manoeuvre without snapping or cracking the panels. In either case, it is important to ensure that the cabinet is in a reasonable condition as this holds the hot tub together and supports the shell.

Shell Condition
One could argue that the shell of a hot tub is the most important aspect but it is difficult to repair and irreplaceable. Although hot tub shells are made of tough acrylic, the exposure to 30-40 degree water and harsh chemicals like chlorine means that inevitably issues will arise. Blistering is a common duduk perkara with hot tub acrylic and such blisters emerge after a few years with limited options to repair them. It is important to find out any problems such as blistering as the hot tub shell is difficult to repair and could be expensive. Problems such as scratches are less important but if you want an aesthetically pleasing spa then multiple scratches around the top of the acrylic could be an eye sore to the perfectionist. 

Probably the second most expensive component of most hot tubs after the control board, it is important that you know whether these are working or not and if not, ensure these parts are available to purchase. If a pump has been discontinued, such as the J250 that was common in many spas, it may require a large re-plumb in order to fit an equivalent pump. This should be researched and considered if you are able to access the codes of any pumps that may not be working. Some pumps that have been discontinued can be serviced and refurbished, we offer this service at Happy Hot Tubs so contact us prior to purchasing a spa to see if we can offer you this service. 

Blowers are usually broken through water damage so a thorough drying out can usually get them working again. If not, they are relatively cheap so again, it shouldn't be something to put you off a good spa. Remember also that you can run a hot tub without a blower without any issues, simply unplug it and use the rest of the spa as usual.

Control System
The control system is the most expensive part of any hot tub. The board can be replaced or you can change the whole pack depending on the error. Water damage is the most common duduk perkara for most control boards, usually caused by flooding. This needs to be considered when purchasing a used hot tub as certain control boards or spa packs could cost more than you paid for the hot tub and therefore make the purchase less cost effective. 

Although headrests may seem to be a necessity within a hot tub, I personally do not believe they are fatal to the enjoyment of your spa. Headrests wear over time due to the exposure to harsh chemicals like chlorine and the temperature of your spa water, therefore old hot tubs usually have damaged headrests that may be unusable. Some headrests are very rare and this increases the price of the headrests available.

Most filters are very common and available due to scale of manufacturing from companies such as Pleatco. However, in recent years we have experienced some customers looking for very uncommon filters and therefore it is important to ensure the hot tub you are purchasing has a filter to be matched. See our vast range of filters at

Cover Condition
All hot tub covers can be custom made, a service we offer for £299 including VAT and delivery, so add this cost in when analysing the cost effectiveness of purchasing a used spa. If a hot tub is waterlogged and heavy you will struggle to remove it from the hot tub, therefore a replacement is necessary. You also need to consider the cost of having a damaged old cover, as lots of heat will be lost through seams that are split or damaged heat lock pads. Again, this is not to put you off a hot tub but to be priced in when considering the cost of refurbishment. 

I hope the above information is of some use when looking for a used hot tub. We will happily check over images on an auction site to see if we can spot anything and if local to one of our branches, we can visit to check the hot tub at a cost. Please contact us on 02380 812769 or e-mail us for any help you may require.

What Temperature Should A Hot Tub Be?

It might seem like an obvious question at first but it regularly confuses new hot tub owners. Most hot tub control systems have a maximum of 40º C and freeze protection that kicks in when the hot tub senses the water going below 6.7º C, which initiates the pumps and blowers to prevent the water from freezing. These are simply the boundaries that your hot tub temperature can be within, leaving it down to you to decide what you actually prefer.

Some Like it hot!

The maximum temperature of a hot tub is 40º C for safety reasons and any hot tub that goes above this is not fit for use. Some hot tubbers will like to bathe in 40º water and within an hour or so of use on a cold night, the temperature will drop to around 37.5º, so this is reasonable. 

We have noticed throughout the years that women tend to like the temperature slightly hotter,  usually around 38/39º C. When delivering a hot tub, we usually leave the customer with the temperature set to 38º C, this is more comfortable to get in than 40º C and allows for a slight temperature drop whilst the hot tub is in use. 

A Small Pool?

In the spring/summer months when the weather is hot and you are not wanting to bathe in 38º C water then simply turn it down! It is not just a hot tub, it can be a cold tub! As long as you keep it sanitised as you normally would, it will be perfect. Not only are you enjoying your spa to cool off, you are also saving on heating costs!

Health Precautions 

Firstly it is important to consult you doctor if you unsure whether hot water could affect you. Pregnant women should avoid hot water as it can damage the foetus. Also people with heart conditions or high blood pressure should not use a hot tub at higher temperatures. If you are in doubt, contact your doctor. 

Hot Tub Myths Part 2: Buying A Hot Tub

Following the success of our last post in regards to 'hot tub myths', we feel that more could be added and so welcome to 'Hot Tub Myths: Part 2'. At Happy Hot Tubs we are committed to giving our customers the best service and these myths allow us to protect consumers from industry methods that could affect you, as the consumer.

The more horsepower, the better.
MYTH - This may be the case for racing but when it comes to hot tub this is not necessarily the case. Adding lots of pumps could just waste further energy, when it is not absolutely necessary. The salesman may highlight the huge horsepower of a hot tub but when you think about your electricity bill, you may be more inclined to go for a less powerful spa. Some newer brands have even began to exaggerate spa pump ratings. Internet companies that have recently emerged within the hot tub industry can easily round up a 1.5hp pump to 2 or 3hp without any legitimate certification. Just ensure you take the power talk with a pinch of salt.

A self-cleaning hot tub is better than others on the market.
MYTH - A 'self-cleaning hot tub'? Ask the salesmen to define what this means and how it differs from other brands. This is very clever marketing and one cannot deny that, however, the idea of a 'self-cleaning' hot tub that is marketed by some brands such as Hydropool is not as outstanding as you think. 'Self-cleaning' means that is has a filtration system and an ozone which is available in most other brands, just not marketed in such a way. All hot tubs with a Balboa control system will filtrate 2 times a day, keeping the water fresh. Go ahead and call this 'self-cleaning' if it makes you feel better. With a 'self-cleaning' system you will still need to top up the chemicals and you will spend the same amount of time maintaining a 'self-cleaning' hot tub as any other spa. So, do not buy into this clever branding, almost every hot tub is 'self-cleaning'.

Fully foamed spa cabinets are the best.
MYTH - This is not actually the case. Heat rises and therefore most of the heat lost in a hot tub is through your spa cover. For spas with a lot of space inside, it is better to have a cavity to allow warm air to be re-circulated by air injection jets. Full foam is once again a good piece of marketing but is not the best insulation for a hot tub. Ensure you take caution when being sold a fully-foamed spa for a it's energy saving capacity.

You pay a high price for high quality.
MYTH - Most small hot tub dealers will sell only 30-50 spas a year and will look to maximise the sale price for every customer. Larger stores will be able to charge less as they may be the sole dealer for those spas and therefore sell more at lower prices. At Happy Hot Tubs, we have some of the most competitive spa prices in the UK and have sold thousands nationwide, so not only can you feel safe about the price we are charging but also the high quality customer service that comes with buying a spa from us. 

Spa ratings and comparison sites are very useful.
MYTH - Who owns these sites? Well it is common knowledge within the industry that spa dealerships will create hot tub review sites and benefit from the leads they produce. An industry as specific as the UK hot tub industry is also very susceptible to backhanders for certain awards and certifications. The British and Irish Spa & Hot Tub Association (BISHTA) was setup and chaired by our managing director, Simon, who created it to ensure that people were using their hot tubs safely and also to ensure the industry started to pay more attention to water safety at exhibitions. This has even become slightly politicised within the industry as approved members simply pay for membership. Be careful when looking at these review sites as they are not totally impartial. 

These are only a few tips that will help with the hot tub buying process, if you want impartial advice from real industry experts contact us on Twitter (@HappyHotTubs), Facebook ( or e-mail myself 

Some of this content was based on ideas from (Link -

Cloudy, Milky & Foamy Hot Tub Water

Get your spa water sparkling like this!
It pretty much goes without saying that hot tub owners will experience cloudy, milky or foamy hot tub water at some point during the period that they own a hot tub. This is not something to worry about as such, as these problems can be easily overcome by using certain methods. This article will firstly describe the type of water problem, how it could have been caused and finally, ways to rectify the persoalan and make your spa water sparkling again!

Cloudy Spa Water

Caused by...

Cloudy hot tub water can be described as the point where the water seems to have small particles floating around in it, however these particles are not large enough to touch and seem like they could just be air particles. There is no one cause of this issue and you will see this to be recurring in the other types of water issues. The persoalan could be caused by suspended insoluble particles, dead algae, organic debris, poor filtration (dirty filters), heavy usage or poor water chemistry, but it is difficult to diagnose the reason exactly.  

Rectifying the issue...

  • Check your filter(s). This is your first point of call with any water quality problem, especially when clarity is an issue. If small particles are not able to be picked up by the filters, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem. Get your filters and rinse them thoroughly or soak them overnight in a filter cleaner. 
  • Check the water balance levels. Your second point of call is the water balance. Check the PH is correct and alter if need be. Check the sanitiser is at the correct level, not too high or too low (a common clarity persoalan can be caused by high sanitiser levels). 
  • Shock the spa. Using a non-clorine shock, you can usually clear the water fast! Working with your clean filter, the shock will clear the particles and in most cases will solve the issue.
  • Try a clarifier. A product such as Spa Sparkle is similar to a flocculent in that it clumps all the small particles together so that they can be filtered, this may allow for the water to clear.
  • Last resort, empty the spa. If you eventually decide that you have lost the battle, drain the hot tub and start again with fresh water. Sometimes this is the best way, especially after a period of heavy usage (e.g. a hot tub party!).
Milky Spa Water

Caused by...

Milky hot tub water can be described as the point where the water essentially looks like milk, adding a white tint to the water and making it difficult to see the bottom of the hot tub. Similar to cloudy hot tub water, there is no one cause of this issue. The persoalan could be caused by suspended insoluble particles, dead algae, organic debris, poor filtration (dirty filters), heavy usage or poor water chemistry, but again, it is difficult to diagnose the reason exactly. 

Rectifying the issue...

  • Check your filter(s). This is your first point of call with any water quality problem, especially when clarity is an issue. If small particles are not able to be picked up by the filters, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem. Get your filters and rinse them thoroughly or soak them overnight in a filter cleaner. You may find that rinsing the filters more frequently to recover milky water helps massively. 
  • Check the water balance levels. Your second point of call is the water balance. Check the PH is correct and alter if need be. Check the sanitiser is at the correct level, not too high or too low (a common clarity persoalan can be caused by high sanitiser levels, making the water look milky). 
  • Shock the spa. Using a non-clorine shock, you can usually clear the water fast! Working with your clean filter, the shock will clear the particles and in most cases will solve the issue.
  • Last resort, empty the spa. If you eventually decide that you have lost the battle, drain the hot tub and start again with fresh water. Sometimes this is the best way, especially after a period of heavy usage (e.g. a hot tub party!).

  • Foamy Spa Water

    Caused by...

    Foamy hot tub water is where a build up of foam is visible on the surface of the water and can sometimes lead to a film being left on the top of the water and around the waterline. For this problem, it is slightly easier to pin down the cause in comparison to cloudy or milky hot tub water. Foam build up is caused by a reaction between body and cosmetic oils and the alkalinity of the hot tub water. Body oils and cosmetics such as deodorant, makeup, and detergents on bathing costumes cause foaming.

    Rectifying the issue...

    • Nip it in the bud! Solve the persoalan by tackling it at the start. It may be hassle to make people shower before using the hot tub but this is the key thing to prevent foam build-up. Washing your bathing costumes in detergent seems like a good idea but it is not wholly necessary, it is better for your hot tub if you rinse them under the tap then hang them up to dry, meaning that no detergent can sneak its way into your hot tub. 
    • Use enzyme technology to assist the water balance. Enzyme technology that is present in products such as "Spa Perfect" can help your spa water beat the causes of foam by preventing the reaction from occurring. 
    • Use anti-foam products. "No Foam" is a product that should be used sparingly, as it is more of a quick-fix product that does not prevent the persoalan from reoccurring. Using it in small amounts can quickly clear the foam from the waterline in the short-term and therefore helps the appearance of the spa but it is best not to rely on it. 
    • Drain down the hot tub and flush the system. A system flush using a product like Swirl Away will help flush the system through before draining. By draining the hot tub, you can remove any grease from the spa surface and tackle the foaming issue in this way. 
    I hope this post has shed some light on the issues around hot tub water clarity. If you have any further queries, feel free to pop me an e-mail (